
Our Beliefs

Right from our early days studying together, we have always believed in what Louis Kahn once said, “Every building must have its own soul”. Ever since we have consciously tried to bring a sense of life and an experience in our projects.

Without people, art, light and design, a building is nothing more than bricks and mortar. A house can be a home only if it is designed with a purpose, a vision and a dream that creates something you can truly enjoy and appreciate.

Designing is not about maximizing everything, it's about working in harmony with all the elements including serenity and joy. We do not want to be interesting; we want to be good in what we do. We want to be in the moment and enjoy the experience of designing and executing a space close to perfection and be honest to our work and clients.

We have always approached a design with an open mind understanding our client’s needs, their behaviors and their actions and have tried to translate them into spatial relations. The outcome with each project thus makes our belief stronger.